
Enlisting Useful Idiots: The Ties between Online Harassment and Disinformation

Enlisting Useful Idiots: The Ties between Online Harassment and Disinformation Brittan Heller[1]* Online harassment has been a blind spot for major platforms for many years. The problem became mainstream with Gamergate in 2014, the first public reckoning with intimidation of women in the online gaming community. This problem is still plaguing social media, with progress […]

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Innovating Like an Optimist, Preparing Like a Pessimist: Ethical Speculation and the Legal Imagination

Innovating Like an Optimist, Preparing Like a Pessimist: Ethical Speculation and the Legal Imagination by Casey Fiesler[1]* “Science fiction writers foresee the inevitable, and although problems and catastrophes may be inevitable, solutions are not.” – Isaac Asimov[2] Introduction We all tell stories—to ourselves, and to others—about the future. These stories typically draw us in two

Innovating Like an Optimist, Preparing Like a Pessimist: Ethical Speculation and the Legal Imagination Read More »

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