Volume 20

Chronicles of Internet Openness: The Brazilian Case Study

Chronicles of Internet Openness: The Brazilian Case Study Jeffrey Omari[1]† Print Version: Brazilian Internet Openness In 2014, a data profiling company, Cambridge Analytica, gained access to the private data profiles of 50 million Facebook users. Through promotional offers that compensated users for taking a personality quiz, the company obtained personal data from users’ profiles and […]

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(F)RANDONOMICS Roya Ghafele[1]† Print Version: (F)randonomics (F)RAND royalty rates for standard essential patents (SEPs) can and have been determined by Courts around the world. The question whether it is possible to determine (F)RAND rates does not present itself. This article offers an overview of the ‘Top Down’ and the ‘Comparable License Approach’ as they have


Protected Grounds and the System of Non-Discrimination Law in the Context of Algorithmic Decision-Making and Artificial Intelligence

Protected Grounds and the System of Non-Discrimination Law in the Context of Algorithmic Decision-Making and Artificial Intelligence Prof. Dr. Janneke Gerards & Prof. Dr. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius[1]† Print Version: PROTECTED GROUNDS AND THE SYSTEM OF NON-DISCRIMINATION LAW IN THE CONTEXT OF ALGORITHMIC DECISION-MAKING AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Algorithmic decision-making and similar types of artificial intelligence (AI)

Protected Grounds and the System of Non-Discrimination Law in the Context of Algorithmic Decision-Making and Artificial Intelligence Read More »

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